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Schermata 2021-10-28 alle 16.50.41.png

organized by Art &Olfaction Institute and Smell Lab Berlin


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Within Dust and Stone_Winterwerft22_Zaida L..JPG
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Schermata 2021-10-28 alle 16.50.41.png

Scent and movement workshop, Embodying scent in movement workshop, 9 July 2018
Smell Lab, Berlin (Germany)

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 Strambino 4 luglio 2021
Workshop: Sensi in movimento, workshop di teatro-danza e movimento sui sensi.

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Smell and body revolution series - Dance theater performance: pasti estetici e apparecchiamenti improbabili;

Sommerwerft, July 2019, Frankfurt (DE)

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Sommerwerft 2021, Frankfurt am Main (DE).
Scent and Movement – Dance-Theater workshop

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Solo dance theater performance, theater festival Winterwerft, Frankfurt, 22 February, 2020

Picture by Sabrina Montiglia

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Schermata 2021-10-28 alle 16.50.41.png

organized by Art &Olfaction Institute and Smell Lab Berlin


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Odorama – scend
and movement

11 October 2018, Mediamatic, Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Dance-theater scented performance.

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Duft Installation - smell and body revolution series

Performance Anna D'Errico

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Schermata 2022-06-03 alle 18.41.39.png


 and Projects

I work as independent performer, and I collaborate as well on collective projects, dance-theater and olfactory performances.


Some of my performances and installation are site specific, I like living and using environmental and natural characteristics of the places I perform in.


Moreover, when it comes to diffusing scent, it requires often specific adaptations due to technical or environmental setting.


On scent composition

I am not a perfumer, though I have studied the basis of fragrance composition and raw materials with perfumers Maurizio Cerizza, Luigi Cristiano, followed workshops at the Institute of Art & Olfaction, and I study independently.

For my performances and projects, I usually create the compositions myself as a part of my creative process and because they are often essential part of my production; for collaborative projects I work with perfumers and other artists too.

Here below some of my collaborative projects and performances.

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Solo dance theater performance, theater festival Winterwerft, Frankfurt, 22 February, 2020

Picture by Sabrina Montiglia - performance in the artistic fog, hosted by Nephos

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Smell and body revolution series - Dance theater performance: pasti estetici e apparecchiamenti improbabili;

Sommerwerft, July 2019, Frankfurt (DE)

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Odorama – scend
and movement

11 October 2018, Mediamatic, Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Dance-theater scented performance.

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Duft Installation - smell and body revolution series

Performance Anna D'Errico

Within Dust and Stone_Winterwerft22_Zaida L..JPG

The neurosmellist ® - Anna D’Errico, VAT: DE341452743 2021
Illustrations: Benedetta Vialli - Art direction: Ilaria Accornero

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